NHRCK Started the On-site Counseling Bus Service
Date : 2006.06.28 00:00:00 Hits : 1276

National Human Rights Commission of Korea (NHRCK) commenced on-site counseling service for the socially underprivileged via the “Human Rights Round Counseling Bus” beginning June, 2006.

This service was realized by the proposal of the National Assembly in 2005 that NHRCK should operate such a service. The Commission bought the bus and remodeled its interior for improving accessibility of the disabled and started the operation this June. The Commission introduced the service for the socially disadvantaged and minority groups in out-of-the-way place and remote area with the purpose of giving them better accessibility to the human rights relief and elevating their human rights awareness.

Through setting up the ground for on-going consultation and on-site activities, the Commission plans to understand the pending problems of minority groups concerning human rights and to provide effective measures for these matters. The service is also expected to enhance the image and trustworthiness of the Commission to the public. This on-site counseling bus will be available for human rights education and visiting programs to visit detention facilities as well as regular human rights counseling activities.

