About the Commission
Current Commissioners
Current Commissioners
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Han, Seok-hoon Biography
Han, Seok-hoon |
- Chief Prosecutor at Gunsan Branch Prosecutors’ Office, Jeonju District Prosecutors’ Office
- Vice Chief Prosecutor at Seoul Eastern District Prosecutors’ Office
- Chief Prosecutor at Gwangju High Prosecutors’ Office
- Director, Research Operation Committee, Korean Institute of Criminology and Justice
- Professor at Sungkyunkwan University Law School
Kim Jong Min Biography
Kim Jong Min |
- Abbot, Bongeunsa Temple, Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism
- Member, National Intangible Cultural Heritage Committee
- Chair of Board, Dongguk University
- Chair of Board, Korean Buddhist Temple Forest Research Institute
- Chair of Board, Yeojin Buddhist Cultural Foundation
- Co-Representative, Environmental Justice
- Representative Director, Association of Buddhist funeral ceremony
- Representative Director, Bongeun Welfare Foundation, Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism
- Abbot, Jogeysa Temple, Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism
- Head of Department of Regulations, Headquarters of Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism
- Abbot, Samhwasa Temple, Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism
Han SuWoong Biography
Han SuWoong |
- Lawyer, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
- Rappourteur Judge, Constitutional Court of Korea
- Associate Professor, Collage of Law, Hongik University
- Commissioner, National Human Rights Commission of Korea (2017. 2. ~ 2020. 2.)
- Professor, School of law, Chung-ang University
Lee HanByel Biography
Lee HanByel |
- Director of Improving North Korea Human Rights Center
- Director of Report Center for North Korean Refugees
- Member of the North Korea Human Rights promotion committee, Ministry of Unification
- Secretary of the UN North Korea human rights office attraction committee
- Secretary of the Citizens for Legisation of Proper North Korea Human Rights Act
Won MinKyong Biography
Won MinKyong |
- Civilian Member of the 3rd MND Gender Equality Council
- Chairperson of the Second Division of the Ministry of Defense's Civil-Military Joint Commission
- Member of the National Assembly Advisory Committee on Gender Equality
- Team Leader, Sexual Exploitation Response Team, Lawyers for democratic society
- Laywer, One Law Partners
- Chairperson, Women's Rights Committee, Lawyers for democratic society
Kim Young Jik Biography
Kim Young Jik |
- Chairperson, KIST Future Foundation
- Chairperson, Autism Society of Korea
- Lawyer, KCL Law Firm
- Vice President / Chairperson of Human Rights Commission, Korean Bar Association
- Presiding Judge, Seoul Eastern District Court
- Research Judge, Supreme Court
Kang Chung Hae Biography
Kang Chung Hae |
- Professor, University of Seoul Law School
- Non-standing Commissioner, Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission
- Non-standing Commissioner, Truth and Reconciliation Commission
- Outside Director, Women News Corporation
- Lawyer, Lee & Ko Law Firm
So Ra Mi Biography
So Ra Mi |
- Clinical Professor, Seoul National University Law School
- Vice Director, Public Interest & Legal Clinic Center, Seoul National University Law School
- Lawyer, GongGam Human Rights Law Foundation