Chairperson’s Statement on Abolition of South ChungCheong Province Decree on Human Rights
Date : 2018.04.24 00:00:00 Hits : 2459

O National Human Rights Commission of Korea hereby expresses strong regret that the Council of South ChungCheong Province demolished a system and foundation for protection of human rights of local residents with its decision to repeal the Decree on Protection and Promotion of Human Rights of Residents of South ChungCheong(South ChungCheong Human Rights Decree) on April 3.


o Protection and promotion of human rights of local residents is a basic responsibility of local governments pursuant to the Constitution. Thus, despite abolition of the South ChungCheong Human Rights Decree, a human right policy for local residents has to continue, and NHRCK hopes for no more abolition of human rights decree for the same reason.


o As NHRCK has stated for several times, and the UN Human Rights Council emphasized the role for protection of human rights by the local governments through the Resolution on Local Government and Human Rights, human rights decree reflects local characteristics and functions as a major system for promotion of human rights of local residents.

o Accordingly, a number of local residents enact human rights decree to concretize their duty for promotion of human rights, establish human rights policies, prevent and council human rights violations and carry out human rights education to enhance quality of life and human rights awareness of the local residents.


o However, some still argue that human rights decree encourages homosexuality and spreads AIDS. However, the goal of human rights decree is to prevent unreasonable discrimination including those based on sexual orientation pursuant to the Constitution and international human rights standards.


o Protection from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is guaranteed under domestic legislation and international human rights standards just like discrimination based on gender, religion, age, status, and region of origin is prohibited. Thus, having different sexual orientation and gender identity should not lead to unreasonable discrimination or violation of human rights.


o It is very concerning that the South ChungCheong Human Rights Decree for protection of human rights of the entire local residents is abolished without enough process for discussion and during the process distorted information and argument regarding sexual minorities including homosexuality is a mental illness needing for treatment or reason of AIDS. 


o Given the reputation of Korea, this situation requires international attention including that of the UN Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Thus, South ChungCheong Province should seek for active follow up measures, and NHRCK will keep an eye on the situation and review necessary measures.



