NHRCK published 2016 Annual Report
Date : 2017.08.07 00:00:00 Hits : 3029

National Human Rights Commission of Korea published 2016 Annual Report that covers all the activities carried out by NHRCK in 2016.


The Annual Report is 350 pages-long and composed of 2 sections and annex. Section 1, Overview, deals with domestic and international environment, basic direction and major accomplishment. Section 2, Activities of NHRCK, covers improvement of related legislation, system, policies; investigation and remedy for human rights infringements and discrimination; human rights education and PR activities; domestic and international cooperation; and activities of human rights offices. Annex includes operation, organization, budget, statistics, and photos.


Major activities of NHRCK in 2016 include recommendations for the 3rd NAP and NAP on business and human rights. In addition, recommendations related to conscientious objection, death of a farmer participated in demonstration, prohibition of demonstration near the Blue House, and investigation of violence and abuse against the homeless and people with disabilities were included.


Statistics show that in 2016, 44 policies recommendations were made and 18 cases were mediated. Recommendations were made for 271 complaints, and human rights education is carried out for 3702 times for 207,619 people.


Internationally, in June 2016, the NHRCK was granted A status by the GANHRI SCA and at the 11th ASEM Summit, establishment of ASEM Global Ageing Center was approved in recognition of NHRCKs activities for promotion of human rights of the elderly.


The Annual Report is published in both Korean and English, which are available at the official website of NHRCK.


