Technical Assistance Program for the Establishment of NHRI in Iraq
Date : 2009.06.05 00:00:00 Hits : 2363

June 4~27 - The NHRCK will provide “Human Rights Policy Development and Technical Assistance Program for the Establishment of NHRI in Iraq” to 17 members of Iraqi human rights officials for 24 days from June 4 to 27.


Iraq is seeking ways to develop its National Human Rights Action Plan (NAP) and to establish a national human rights institution under the Law of the High Commission for Human Rights, which was passed in Iraq last year as the legal foundation for the establishment. As an exemplary case of human rights commissions in developing countries, the NHRCK took the initiative to commence this technical assistance (TA) program for Iraq regarding the establishment of Iraqi human rights commission.


In partnership with the Official Development Assistance (ODA) Program of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), this TA program will support for the capacity-building of Iraqi human rights officials, providing technical assistance for the establishment of the national human rights commission and for the development of the National Human Rights Action Plan of Iraq.


The program will consist of orientation, lectures, tour, and evaluation and completion ceremony. Through the lectures, the Iraqi officials will be learning about; international and regional human rights system; the role and international activities of NHRIs; in-service training for drafting a human rights report for the UN; the NHRCK’s experience on the establishment and the operation of a human rights commission; and the formulation, implementation and development process of the NAP of Korea.


The Iraqi officials will also make a visit to several Korean organizations related to human rights, including the People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, Constitutional Court of Korea, Goyang City, Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Gender Equality, Ministry of Unification and Korea-Arab Society.


Additionally, the participants will visit Yeungnam University, Samsung Electronics, Hyundai Motors, Hyundai Heavy Industries and the Gyeongju Historical District as part of the tour programme provided by the KOICA. Seoul City Tour will be also provided for cultural experience of the Iraqi officials.


This training program for the Iraqi human rights officials is expected to bring significant progress for the NHRCK, in terms of; strengthening its leadership for the Asia Pacific Forum (APF) and International Coordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutions (ICC) through supporting the establishment of NHRI in the Asia-Pacific region, realizing one of the national agendas of the Korean government by providing diplomatic support for human rights; upgrading national image and status as an advanced country in the field of human rights; and simultaneous promotion of international and domestic progress in human rights.


The NHRCK will continue to provide training programs for developing countries, including multinational training, project training and technical assistance programs for the NHRIs in Southeast Asian countries.



