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NHRCK Celebrates 73th Human Rights Day
Reaffirmed the overarching principle of the ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights’-equality and non-discrimination
The National Human Rights Commission of Korea(Chairperson Doohwan Song) held an event celebrating the 73th Human Rights Day at the Commission’s headquarters on 10 December. The event was held live via Commission’s Youtube channel(www.youtube.com/NHRCkr), so as to prevent the spread of COVID19.
The Human Rights Day was chosen to honor the adoption and proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN General Assembly, on 10 December 1948. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed based on common standards that covers all people from all states to realize the value of human dignity and respect.
The celebration started with the congratulatory address from Chairperson Song. The Chairman of the National Assembly Byungseok Park, the President of the Constitutional Court of Korea Namseok Yoo, Prime Minister Bugyum Kim, the 8th Secretary-General of the UN Kimoon Ban and the Chairperson of the Asia Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions Rosalind Croucher also sent congratulatory remarks for the event.
The celebration was followed by awarding ceremony. 10 individuals and institutions were awarded with the Human Rights Award this year, including the presidential citation won by Youngmi Choi, the head of Korea Home Workers Association.
Regional Human Rights Offices of Busan, Gwangju, Daegu, Daejeon, Gangwon and Jeju also celebrated ‘human rights week’ and held celebratory events for the Human Rights Day.
Celebrating the 73th anniversary of the proclamation of the Universal Deceleration of Human Rights, the National Human Rights Commission of Korea expresses its deepest respect and gratitude towards all who are making efforts to protect and promote human rights in our society. The Commission hopes the event will become a moment for all to think about the true meaning of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.