
229 Post Founded (14/23 page)

No. Category Title Date Hits
99 Chairperson Lee Sung-ho visited the Seoul Dream Center for Youth 2016.10.05 2748
98 Standing Commissioner Jeong Sanghwan visited the Daegu Shelter for Migrant Women 2016.11.14 2346
97 Special Rapporteur Toman Ojea Quintana visited the NHRCK 2016.11.22 2063
96 President Branko Hrvatin of the Supreme Court of Croatia visitied the NHRCK 2016.11.24 1899
95 Voluntary service on 15th anniversary of establishment of the NHRCK 2016.11.25 1813
94 Chairperson of NHRCK participated in the 2016 UN Forum on Business and Human Rights 2016.12.07 3046
93 NHRCK agreed to sign an MOU with the UN ESCAP 2016.11.07 3087
92 NHRCK recommended NAP on Business and Human Rights to the Government 2016.10.05 3348
91 NHRCK signed an MOU with Dongguk University 2016.09.05 2839
90 Itinerant Human Rights Counseling Service for Children·Juvenile 2016.08.04 2332

