
1661 Post Founded (7/167 page)

No. Category Title Date Hits
1601 National Human Rights Commission of the Republic of Korea submitted its statement of opinions on implementation of “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” to the United Nations 2023.09.22 975
1600 Immigration Detention Centers Should Allow Use of the Internet, Permit Food to be Brought In, and Guarantee Outdoor Exercise 2023.09.21 857
1599 The Government is Called Upon to Implement Minimum Protection Measures Against Climate Crisis, A Necessity for the Protection of Freedoms and Rights of Current and Future Generations 2023.09.21 962
1598 The NHRCK urges the state-run railway operator to offer rail fare discounts to foreigners with disabilities 2023.08.27 918
1597 The NHRCK recommends the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court to revise regulations, allowing international marriages registration to be in accordance with domestic laws 2023.08.27 951
1596 The NHRCK finds it discriminatory for young migrant children living in South Korea to be excluded from support for early childhood tuition fees 2023.08.27 863
1595 The NHRCK made Recommendation on Improving Human Rights Situation in Immigration Protection Facilities (Immigration Detention Centers) Following the On-site Investigation 2023.07.25 1226
1594 Refusal to Perform Surgery Due to HIV Status is an Act of Discrimination 2023.07.25 1053
1593 The NHRCK found it discriminatory to apply stricter standards and disallow a university sexual minority club from posting promotional materials. 2023.07.25 807
1592 Head of the Immigration Office Partially Accepts the NHRCK's Recommendation Regarding Requirement to Write a Reflective Statement When Renewing Alien Registration Cards 2023.06.13 984

