
1640 Post Founded (1/164 page)

No. Category Title Date Hits
1640 Need to improve mandatory notification system to protect the right to defense of unregistered foreigners suffering from overdue wages 2024.08.29 80
1639 Recommendation to the minister of justice and director of OO detention center to improve management of physically or mentally vulnerable inmates 2024.08.29 124
1638 Recommendations and the Expression of Opinions to Improve Human Rights Situation in the ROK Marine Corps Based on the On-site Investigation Results 2024.08.29 125
1637 Statement by the Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea: Urging for the Implementation of the Sixth Concluding Observations by the UN Committee against Torture 2024.08.29 136
1636 An Employer’s Refusal to Grant Paid Parental Leave on Grounds of Gender Composition of Employees Is An Act of Gender-based Discrimination, NHRCK Finds 2024.07.22 158
1635 NHRCK Emphasizes the Importance of Implementing the Human Rights Impact Assessment to Protect Human Rights on the Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence 2024.07.09 2222
1634 We Need to Stop Outsourcing of Dangerous Jobs and Create a Safe Working Environment to Protect the Lives of All Workers 2024.07.05 271
1633 NHRCK Chairperson’s Statement Marking 3rd International Day for Countering Hate Speech 2024.06.25 313
1632 NHRCK Hosts Side Event of 14th Session of UN OEWGA 2024.06.25 221
1631 NHRCK Discusses Capacity-building Measures for Asia-Pacific NHRIs 2024.06.25 225

