NHRCK hosts Discussion Session to identify issues regarding the Joining of the ‘Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture’
Date : 2021.10.25 00:00:00 Hits : 2181

NHRCK hosts Discussion Session

to identify issues regarding the Joining of ‘Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture’


The National Human Rights Commission of Korea (Chairperson Doohwan Song) hosts a discussion session on October 29, to identify possible issues which may arise in the process of joining the ‘Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture’ (hereinafter OPCAT). The event is held with the common understanding that the domestic legislation and policies relevant to the OPCAT need to be thoroughly reviewed and discussed in order to lay strong foundation for joining the Protocol.


The OPCAT includes the process the UN Sub-committee on the Prevention of Torture and the National Preventive Mechanism take to monitor detention centers and enhancing transparencyin operating these facilities in order to prevent torture.


The session begins with the keynote address by Sookmyung Women’s University professor Kyungsu Jung, on the necessity for Korea to join the OPCAT and the issues that could potentially arise during the joining process of the Protocol. Keynote address is followed by a series of discussions, with the panels from the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Defense, the Korean National Police Agency, the academics and civil society organizations.


The panels will discuss on the elements that require further reviewing prior to joining the OPCAT, including the relevant parts in the constitution and other legislations. Issues the military and the police need to address are also on the list of discussion topics.


The National Human Rights Commission of Korea hopes to further discover the potential difficulties in pushing forward with the joining of the OPCAT through fruitful discussions and is planning on approaching the joining process in steps, taking the comments made at the session into account.


