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미얀마에서 일어난 심각한 인권 침해를 고발합니다!
등록일 : 2021-07-30 조회 : 2060
저희는 제주제일고등학교 3학년 인권동아리 Rights Keeper입니다. 저희는 미얀마의 심각한 인권침해에 대해 설문조사를 진행했으며, 저희 동아리만의 성명서를 제작해 미얀마의 비극적인 상황을 알리려합니다.

Statement of Rights Keeper

Sonmo Yang, Mingyu Kim, Min Hyeong Lee

On 1, Myanmar's military launched a coup, claiming that there were rigged elections in November last year. The military forced the government and parliament to disband, declared a state of emergency and started to regulate the Internet, telephone, telecommunications and roads leading to major cities. They also detained about 400 politicians, including Aung San Suu Kyi and President Yunmin. In response, the cries for democratization are getting louder. Myanmar's citizens took to the streets and staged peaceful demonstrations to regain democracy.

However, the military replied with ruthless suppression. Eventually, more than 900 people were killed, approximately 3,000 were arrested, and 64 citizens were even sentenced to death indiscriminately without the help of lawyers. As such, there are very serious violations of human rights in Myanmar.

According to Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in the spirit of brotherhood. Human rights, regardless of gender, race, or age, are permanent and cannot be taken away or given of being human. If human rights are forcibly violated, the responsibility lies not only with one individual, but with breaking a global treaty. The state's power or hierarchy structure does not have the ability to deprive individuals of their free rights. Individual values deserve to be respected and potential feasibility is endless. The people are the nation. The state is just a collection of individuals formed by social contracts. Therefore, there is no priority over human rights. The history of human rights abuses is always decadent and creates a vicious cycle.

We, the Rights Keepers, recognized the serious entrenchment of human rights in Myanmar and decided to survey the 3rd graders who are currently going to Jeju Jeil High School. We started off by asking them whether they knew about the coup that happened in Myanmar. Around 63% said that they did in fact know about the coup, but most of them knew about it roughly. According to the 77 3rd graders who responded to the online survey, a little less than half(45%) thought that the most important thing when trying to improve the current state of human rights guarantees in Myanmar was the cooperation and interaction with international organizations and other countries. Other than that, with 27%, creating a stable economy was also thought of as an important aspect in creating a better environment in which human rights can be guaranteed.

We then asked them whether they thought the interference of other countries or the international society was fair when countries like Myanmar start to violate the most basic human rights. Nearly 3 quarters of the students who replied said they agreed on the interference of the international society. The remaining students, who took up a little bit more than 1 fourth of the total, said that the sovereign authority of each country was more important than the protection of human rights.

Lastly, we asked the students who replied that the interference of the international society is justifiable, which method would be the most efficient in interfering with countries like Myanmar. The replies were pretty well spread out, but the one that the students replied to the most was interfering through armed forces, such as the military.

Based on the results we gathered from our online survey, we decided to make several kinds of requests about the current situation in Myanmar.

1. According to our survey, a lot of the students thought that the intervention of the international society was necessary. We therefore demand the international society to actively intervene in Myanmar to restore the human rights that are currently being trampled by the military government.

2. Intervention using armed forces should not be the first alternative, and should only be used when preventing civil wars, massacres, and war crimes. Other types of peaceful intervention, such as humanitarian intervention and diplomatic intervention should be used first and intervention using armed forces should only happen when they have failed.

3. To respect the sovereign authority of each country, there should be a limit in the intervention of the international society.

4. The current system of the Security Council of the United Nations requires an unanimous vote from the 5 permanent members of the board, which means that individual interests can be included in the various actions needed to help the people in need of human rights guarantee.

5. Education about human rights is also very important in that education helps create a generation that has the basic knowledge needed to make a society in which human rights can be guaranteed.

6. Creating a stable economic infrastructure is also an important factor in guaranteeing human rights. For this reason, intervention with the purpose of helping a country create a sturdy economic infrastructure can be allowed in the international society.

Human rights, the fundamental values that humans should enjoy, need to be protected in any case. Myanmar's military's vicious acts of violence not only infringe human rights of Myanmar’s people but also pose a significant impediment to international peace. Therefore, We hope that Myanmar's military violence will stop, devolve power to the civilian government and release its leaders. Rights Keeper stands with the brave people of Myanmar in the struggle for democracy and we remain committed to supporting the Myanmar people. We hope a bright future will come for Myanmar’s democracy.

공감 0 반대 0
담당부서 : 정보화관리팀
연락처 : 02-2125-9784

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