국가인권위원회에 오신걸 환영합니다
인권체험관, 교육센터 대관신청
주요게시판 내용
Press Release
[Recommendation] Denying Participation in After-School Programs and Charging Support Staff Costs to a Student with Autism Constitutes Discrimination2025-03-24
[Recommendation] Continued Protection Measures Needed for Undocumented Migrant Children Not Responsible for Their Status2025-03-19
[Recommendation] Recommendation for Systemic Improvements to Enhance the Human Rights of Vocational High School Student Interns2025-03-18
[Statement] Chairperson of the NHRCK Welcomes UN Finding of North Korea’s Arbitrary Detention of South Korean Nationals as a Human Rights Violation2025-03-18