Released "The Report on Human Rights Situation in the Republic of Korea by NHRCK 2022"
Date : 2023.05.23 13:37:21 Hits : 1089

Released "The Report on Human Rights Situation in the Republic of Korea by NHRCK 2022"

- An easy-to-read report summarizing the annual human rights situation in South Korea, including the status and assessment of 63 key human rights topics raised in 2022.

- The "2022 Annual Report" which summarizes the main activities of the NHRCK in 2022 was also published.

□ In accordance with Article 29(1) of the National Human Rights Commission Of Korea Act, the National Human Rights Commission of Korea (Chairperson Song Doo-hwan, hereinafter referred to as "the NHRCK") publishes the "The Report on Human Rights Situation in the Republic of Korea by NHRCK 2022" (hereinafter referred to as "The Report on Human Rights Situation"), which describes the domestic human rights situation in 2022 and provides an assessment and improvement plan.

□ The composition and main contents of the "The Report on Human Rights Situation in the Republic of Korea" are as follows.

○ Contents of the report

The Report on Human Rights Situation is organized into three parts. Part 1 describes the purpose of the report and trends in citizen awareness of human rights. Part 2, which is the main body of the report, summarizes the main human rights situation and assessments in 2022 in 6 chapters, 18 areas, and 63 topics. Finally, in Part 3, we reflected on human rights principles that gained greater meaning and importance in our society in 2022.

○ Highlights from the report

"The Report on Human Rights Situation" captures the major issues that shaped our society in 2022, from human rights issues during disasters and catastrophes, which were prominent in the year, to issues related to freedom, which is a basic human right, to marginalization and discrimination that social minorities such as people with disabilities, migrants and refugees, women, and the elderly had to face, to human rights violations at labor sites such as the death of a bakery worker, to human rights issues that are expected to be important in the future, such as the use of facial recognition CCTV using artificial intelligence technology, to human rights issues in North Korea.

□ In May 2023, 3,000 copies of "The Report on Human Rights Situation" will be distributed to legislative, judicial, and administrative institutions, public libraries, university libraries, and human rights organizations.

□ The NHRCK hopes that the publication of this report will help us to understand the current state of human rights in our society and to take the discussion on the protection and promotion of human rights one step further.

□ Separate to this, the Human Rights Commission publishes an annual report summarizing its major activities each year. This year's Annual Report covers the NHRCK's major activities in 2022, including 104 policy improvements, 10,345 complaints, 1,306 rights remedies (including 603 recommendations), and human rights education for 582,733 people.


