NHRCK attends GANHRI Bureau and Annual Meeting 2022
Date : 2022.03.21 00:00:00 Hits : 2207

NHRCK attends GANHRI Bureau and Annual Meeting 2022


The National Human Rights Commission of Korea(Chairperson Doohwan Song) attended the GANHRI Bureau Meeting and the Annual Meeting of 2022, as a member of the GANHRI Bureau. The series of meetings and the sideline events, were held from 9 to 11 March, via online platform.

The compilation of the institution’s activities, financial reports and the outcomes from the accreditation review were briefed at the Bureau Meeting, followed by the discussions on the pending human rights issues. The participants of the meeting were the GANHRI Bureau members and the parties concerned.

The participants of the GANHRI General Assembly were National Human Rights Institutions(NHRIs) accredited with ‘A’ status by the GANHRI Subcommittee on Accreditation(SCA), the institutions with ‘B’ status, other international organizations and regional networks. At the General Assembly, reports on GANHRI’s activities and finance were briefed, the Chairperson and the Secretary of GANHRI were elected and the new Bureau members were ratified. During the Assembly, the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights(Ombudsman) Liudmyla Denisova had a chance to take the floor and ask for the international solidarity and support on Ukrainian crisis and the Chairperson of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission Shaharzad Akbar talked about the human rights crisis unfolding in Afghanistan since the rule of the Taliban.


GANHRI Bureau Meeting was followed by the knowledge exchange session to exchange good practices and challenges regarding the topics on ‘the role of NHRIs in Digital Age’ and the sideline event to discuss human rights in relation to sports.


The National Human Rights Commission of Korea actively participated in these events by sharing the cases where the Commission provided support for older persons and persons with disabilities in using electronic devices and the experience of lauching investigations and consulting student athletes regarding human rights violation they faced.


