NHRCK held a meeting on anti-hatred and discrimination with Ambassadors and UN representatives in Seoul.
Date : 2019.04.02 00:00:00 Hits : 2848

Chairperson Choi Young-ae of the National Human Rights Commission of Korea held a meeting with Ambassadors and UN representatives in Seoul in the fight against hatred and discrimination.


The attendees of the meeting include Ambassadors from France, Finland, Switzerland, Australia, E.U., UK, New Zealand, Norway, and Sweden as well as representatives from UN Human Rights Office Seoul and UNHCR Korea. They shared their experiences, country policies and UN standards on the issues regarding hatred and discrimination.


As hatred and discrimination against the minority have exacerbated in Korean society, the NHRCK has been actively developing ways to improve these conditions. In January, the NHRCK established an in-house task force team on anti-hatred and discrimination. The following month, the NHRCK launched a special committee on anti-hatred and discrimination to further alleviate these issues.

