The NHRCK hosted <Forum on measures to implement recommendations of UN Human Rights Committee and UPR>
Date : 2023.12.22 16:30:39 Hits : 889

The NHRCK hosted  <Forum on measures to implement recommendations of UN Human Rights Committee and UPR>

Disscussed specific measures to implement UN recommendations made to Korea through 2023 human rights review and future tasks

The National Human Rights Commission of Korea (Chairperson Song Doo-hwan, hereinafter referred to as the “Human Rights Commission”) held a “Forum on measures to implement recommendations of UN Human Rights Committee and UPR” (hereinafter referred to as the “Forum”) on Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at 2 p.m. at the Human Rights Education Center on the 10th floor of the Human Rights Commission.


UN Human Rights Committee conducted its 5th review on Korea’s implementation of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights in Geneva, Switzerland in October and issued Concluding Observations on November 3. Moreover, UN Human Rights Council adopted the results of the 4th Universal Periodic Review (hereinafter referred to as “UPR”) on the Republic of Korea in July.

Through the two procedures, the international community made recommendations to the Republic of Korea on various human rights improvement tasks including 1) enactment of Comprehensive Anti-discrimination Act, abolition of the death penalty, improvement of alternative military service system and improvement of other laws and institutions; 2) prohibition and prevention of discrimination against women, persons with disabilities, migrants, and sexual minorities; 3) strengthening the protection of human rights in the military, detention, and protection facilities; 4) civil and political rights & economic and social rights. The Korean government has responsibility for reviewing the UN recommendations to reflect and implement them in national human rights policies and inform its citizens and the international community of its follow-up measures.

The Forum was hosted by the Human Rights Commission and attended by civil society organizations, experts from various fields, and relevant government departments. Starting from an overview and evaluation of the 4th UPR recommendations and the Concluding Observations from the 5th review of the UN Human Rights Committee, the Forum served as an opportunity to review the measures to implement the UN recommendations and future tasks in 7 areas: 1) civil rights 1 (the right to life, safety, etc.); 2) civil rights 2 (freedom of assembly, freedom of expression, etc.); 3) anti-discrimination act and the rights of sexual minorities; 4) human rights in military; 5) migrants’ rights; 6) women’s rights; 7) labor rights.

The Forum was an opportunity for in-depth discussion on the major human rights issues highlighted by the UN's recommendations made to Korea, identifying concrete and effective measures to implement the recommendations. 



