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HOME > Main Activities > Press Releases Press Releases 프린트 SNS URL 공유하기 레이어 열기 페이스북 트위터 카카오스토리 카카오톡 블로그 Total 1643 Post Founded (9/165 page) Search Option select Total Title Contents SEARCH No. Category Title Date Hits 1563 Chairperson’s statement on welcoming the Supreme Court decision on the case of National Reparation to the victims of the Presidential Emergency Decree No. 9 2022.09.19 1653 1562 Chairpersons’ Statement on Welcoming the decision from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to recommend the Government and the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea to provide remedies for the victims of the 'Brother’s Home incident'. 2022.08.30 1717 1561 NHRCK holds the second ‘Conference on Migrant Rights’ 2022.08.29 1922 1560 NHRCK holds a conference discussing the application of international human rights standard in constitutional review 2022.08.26 1841 1559 NHRCK Human Rights Protector for Military meets Minister of National Defense 2022.08.17 1609 1558 NHRCK recommended 100 core tasks for the ‘4th National Action Plans for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights(NAP)’ 2022.08.11 1701 1557 Human Rights Protector for Military visits Korea Army Training Center 2022.07.26 1690 1556 NHRCK submits Opinion for the 4th Universal Periodic Review(UPR) Session to the UN Human Rights Council 2022.07.20 1971 1555 NHRCK holds the 21st ‘Korean Human Rights Education Forum’ 2022.07.14 2021 1554 The Work of the NHRCK’s ‘Human Rights Protector for Military’ Begins 2022.07.13 2070 LIST 1 페이지 이동 2 페이지 이동 3 페이지 이동 4 페이지 이동 5 페이지 이동 6 페이지 이동 7 페이지 이동 8 페이지 이동 9 페이지 10 페이지 이동 다음 페이지로 이동 마지막 페이지로 이동