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HOME > Main Activities > Press Releases Press Releases 프린트 SNS URL 공유하기 레이어 열기 페이스북 트위터 카카오스토리 카카오톡 블로그 Total 1663 Post Founded (8/167 page) Search Option select Total Title Contents SEARCH No. Category Title Date Hits 1593 The NHRCK found it discriminatory to apply stricter standards and disallow a university sexual minority club from posting promotional materials. 2023.07.25 893 1592 Head of the Immigration Office Partially Accepts the NHRCK's Recommendation Regarding Requirement to Write a Reflective Statement When Renewing Alien Registration Cards 2023.06.13 1069 1591 The NHRCK Calls for Action to Fulfill Migrant Farm Workers' Right to Life and Housing 2023.06.13 1059 1590 The NHRCK Recommended the Supreme Court Established Rule to be revised to prevent possible human rights violation related to the legal gender change of transgender people 2023.06.13 1265 1589 Stable accommodation for LGBT prisoners needed 2023.05.23 1047 1588 Comment on the call to repeal the 2023.05.23 996 1587 Adjusting the length of service and expanding the number of agencies and areas of alternative service should be considered. 2023.05.23 968 1586 Disrupting a one-person protest in front of the presidential office is a violation of free speech. 2023.04.25 1024 1585 Driver's license test needs to be provided with various languages, including Arabic 2023.04.25 1184 1584 Chairperson's Statement on the adoption of the 52nd UN Human Rights Council resolution on the human rights of North Korea 2023.04.25 955 LIST 1 페이지 이동 2 페이지 이동 3 페이지 이동 4 페이지 이동 5 페이지 이동 6 페이지 이동 7 페이지 이동 8 페이지 9 페이지 이동 10 페이지 이동 다음 페이지로 이동 마지막 페이지로 이동