
1661 Post Founded (162/167 page)

No. Category Title Date Hits
51 NHRCK Provides Specialized Counseling by Day of Week 2007.02.28 1364
50 NHRCK Hears Testimonies by Transgender Persons and Holds an Expert Debate on Sex Change 2007.02.28 1992
49 Chil-Joon Kim Appointed as Secretary General 2007.02.28 1496
48 Two Major Airlines in Korea Fully Accept the NHRCK's Recommendation to Rectify the Age Discrimination 2007.02.28 1658
47 Jae-Geun Chung Appointed as Human Rights Commissioner 2007.02.28 1480
46 NHRCK Proactively Approves Enactment of Special Bill to Support Landmine Victims 2007.02.28 1784
45 Absence of Elevators at Social Welfare Center Declared Discriminatory Act Violating Equal Rights of the Disabled and Elderly 2007.02.28 1655
44 NHRCK Recommends Re-deliberation of Expulsion Decision and Compliance with Due Process for Expulsion 2007.02.28 1467
43 Office of Education of Gangwon Province Rejects Recommendation by NHRCK 2007.02.28 1522
42 NHRCK Recommends Prosecution Comply with Legal Procedures in Issuing Warrant of Penalty Execution 2007.02.28 1405

