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HOME > Main Activities > Press Releases Press Releases 프린트 SNS URL 공유하기 레이어 열기 페이스북 트위터 카카오스토리 카카오톡 블로그 Total 1651 Post Founded (1/166 page) Search Option select Total Title Contents SEARCH No. Category Title Date Hits 1651 Restricting a Transgender Student's Participation in a School Retreat Constitutes Discrimination 2024.11.20 234 1650 Failure to Provide Reasonable Accommodations to a Hearing-Impaired Candidate in a Public Corporation Interview is Discrimination 2024.11.20 248 1649 Family Reunification Rights of Humanitarian Stay Permit Holders must be guaranteed 2024.11.20 251 1648 Recommendations to Prevent Recurrence of Human Trafficking of Foreign Seasonal Workers and Improve the System 2024.11.05 527 1647 Alternatives to Detention for Asylum Seekers in Long-Term Detention needs to be actively implemented 2024.10.22 507 1646 Assignment of different staff grades to employees with different educational background from same recruitment process is discrimination 2024.10.22 527 1645 NHRCK to hold a special session on local governments' engagement in the UN human rights mechanisms at the 14th World Human Right Cities Forum 2024.10.22 525 1644 The imminent super-aged society, a time to work together for the dignified lives of older persons 2024.10.22 629 1643 Excessive Dress Code Restrictions in International Schools Violate Students' Right to Self-Determination 2024.09.27 716 1642 The execution of repatriation against the will of the refugee applicant must be prohibited while decision of non-referral to refugee status screening is undergoing appeal proceedings 2024.09.27 681 LIST 1 페이지 2 페이지 이동 3 페이지 이동 4 페이지 이동 5 페이지 이동 6 페이지 이동 7 페이지 이동 8 페이지 이동 9 페이지 이동 10 페이지 이동 다음 페이지로 이동 마지막 페이지로 이동